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Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) PDF İndir ve Özeti Oku – Orlin Sabev

Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) isimli kitap yazar Orlin Sabev tarafından yazılmıştır. ISBN (Uluslararası Standart Kitap Numarası) 9786054787296 olan kitap şu an bazı kitap sitelerinde satılmaktadır. Bazı sitelerde ise Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) PDF İndir yöntemi ile satışı yapılmaktadır.

Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) PDF İndir yöntemi doğru bir yöntem olmadığından dolayı, kitap mağazalarından ya da online kitap sitelerinden satın almanızı tavsiye ederiz. Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) isimli kitabı PDF olarak indirmek istediğinizde, ücretsiz ve bedava olarak hem bilgisayarınıza, hem tabletinize hem de telefonunuza indirebilirsiniz.

Liste fiyatı 36,50 olan Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) kitabını internetten ya da mağazadan satın aldığınızda, kağıt cinsi Kitap Kağıdı olan, cilt tipi Karton Kapak ve 16 x 23 cm boyutunda olan bir kitap ile karşılaşacaksınız.

İçeriğin devamında kitabın tanıtımı (kısa özeti) ile birlikte (belirtildiyse) kitap karakterlerini, türünü ve ana konusunu görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) Kitap Tanıtımı (Kısa Özeti)

This book approaches the Ottoman period of Robert College, founded by American missionaries in Constantinople in 1863, by focusing on hitherto insufficiently explored aspects of its sesquicentennial history, related to its nature and educational ideals, as well as to its student body. Being based on the college’s archives, dispersed in Turkey and the United States, the government archives of Ottoman and early republican period, as well as other vernacular archives, the book delineates the specific place and role of the college in the field of Ottoman education by promoting Protestant ideals through liberal education. The so-called “secular Protestantism” affected the whole concept of education practiced at the college and it affected more or less the students’ mindset. The college put emphasis on the formation of strong characters in its students so as to make them able to take responsibility for their own life and development. It was achieved, not only nor even mainly through the course of studies in a wide variety of fields, but also through the all-round atmosphere in the college and especially the personal relationship between the students and their instructors. On the basis of statistics drawn from various relevant sources, the book traces out the dynamics in student enrollment and outlines those periods in the college’s history in which certain nationalities were prevalent, not only in terms of physical presence but also in terms of influence in the student body. The book provides also prosopographical research of the Bulgarian and Turkish students, based on data collected from the catalogues of students, preserved in the college’s archives.

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Karton Kapak

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Kitap Kağıdı

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16 x 23 cm

Spiritus Roberti Shaping New Minds and Robert College in Late Ottoman Society (1863-1923) PDF İndir

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