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Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting PDF İndir ve Özeti Oku – İsmail Tekbaş

Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting isimli kitap yazar İsmail Tekbaş tarafından yazılmıştır. ISBN (Uluslararası Standart Kitap Numarası) 9786057137593 olan kitap şu an bazı kitap sitelerinde satılmaktadır. Bazı sitelerde ise Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting PDF İndir yöntemi ile satışı yapılmaktadır.

Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting PDF İndir yöntemi doğru bir yöntem olmadığından dolayı, kitap mağazalarından ya da online kitap sitelerinden satın almanızı tavsiye ederiz. Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting isimli kitabı PDF olarak indirmek istediğinizde, ücretsiz ve bedava olarak hem bilgisayarınıza, hem tabletinize hem de telefonunuza indirebilirsiniz.

Liste fiyatı 250,00 olan Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting kitabını internetten ya da mağazadan satın aldığınızda, kağıt cinsi Kitap Kağıdı olan, cilt tipi Karton Kapak ve 16 x 24 cm boyutunda olan bir kitap ile karşılaşacaksınız.

İçeriğin devamında kitabın tanıtımı (kısa özeti) ile birlikte (belirtildiyse) kitap karakterlerini, türünü ve ana konusunu görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting Kitap Tanıtımı (Kısa Özeti)

Technological developments have continually reshaped occupations over the past two centuries, and they have done so since the Industrial Revolution. However, the speed with which automation technologies are evolving today is unprecedented and disruptive to our world of work. The accounting profession is one of the most important factors in the production of working information. The digital transformation is forcing this profession to change. Nowadays, it has become almost impossible to find accountants who practice the accounting profession using traditional methods (using paper and pencil). It is certain that digital transformation will eliminate the manual processes associated with the accounting profession, such as bookkeeping, declaration and invoicing, and the viability of accountants using these traditional methods.The most frequently asked questions by professional accountants in terms of digital transformation are as follows: Does the accounting profession really need a redesign for digital transformation? Is it not possible for the transformation to be realized using current traditional accounting methods? I think it needs a fundamental change to transform the accounting profession to be more innovative. What we need is design, and a driving force behind further transformations and evolution.Space exploration was once solely the theme of science fiction films. Today, the effects of space exploration on the accounting profession are being discussed by international accounting institutions. The extraordinary progress in space exploration is transforming many professions around the world, from engineering to law, from architecture to accounting, into the space dimension and increasingly becoming investment areas for private companies.Of course, economic developments of this magnitude will eventually transform the accounting profession. But how? How important is accounting to ensure sustainable space activities? Will we be able to solve the accounting problems created by space exploration using the traditional accounting methods?İsmail Tekbas questions the impact of technological developments such as Artificial Intelligence, RSO, Big Data, Augmented Reality, Industry 4.0, Blockchain, Space exploration and Space mining on accounting. He opens up concepts such as Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 for discussion and is developing brand new professional models such as Accounting Engineering and Space Accounting, so that the profession of accounting, which has thousands of years of tradition, does not disappear.

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16 x 24 cm

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