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Told In The Coffee House Turkish Tales PDF İndir ve Özeti Oku –

Told In The Coffee House Turkish Tales isimli kitap yazar tarafından yazılmıştır. ISBN (Uluslararası Standart Kitap Numarası) 9786257850612 olan kitap şu an bazı kitap sitelerinde satılmaktadır. Bazı sitelerde ise Told In The Coffee House Turkish Tales PDF İndir yöntemi ile satışı yapılmaktadır.

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Liste fiyatı 61,00 olan Told In The Coffee House Turkish Tales kitabını internetten ya da mağazadan satın aldığınızda, kağıt cinsi Kitap Kağıdı olan, cilt tipi Karton Kapak ve 13.5 x 19.5 cm boyutunda olan bir kitap ile karşılaşacaksınız.

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Told In The Coffee House Turkish Tales Kitap Tanıtımı (Kısa Özeti)

In the course of a number of visits to Constantinople, I became much interested in the tales that are told in the coffee houses. These are usually little more than rooms, with walls made of small panes of glass. The furniture consists of a tripod with a contrivance for holding the kettle, and a fire to keep the coffee boiling. A carpeted bench traverses the entire length of the room. This is occupied by turbaned Turks, their legs folded under them, smoking nargilehs or chibooks or cigarettes, and sipping coffee. A few will be engaged in a game of backgammon, but the majority enter into conversation, at first only in syllables, which gradually gives rise to a general discussion. Finally, some sage of the neighborhood comes in, and the company appeals to him to settle the point at issue. This he usually does by telling a story to illustrate his opinion. Some of the stories told on these occasions are adaptations of those already known in Arabic and Persian literature, but the Turkish mind gives them a new setting and a peculiar philosophy. They are characteristic of the habits, customs, and methods of thought of the people, and for this reason seem worthy of preservation.

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Karton Kapak

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13.5 x 19.5 cm

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